Based on the evalution of reviewer team, we decided the winners of Scientific Paper Award of Media Peternakan in 2015 are :

  1. First winners:
    Ovarian Dynamic in Peranakan Ongole Cattle after GnRH Injection in Ovsynch Protocol Based on Progesterone Device, authors Muhammad Imron, Iman Supriatna, Amrozi, M. Agus Setiadi

  2. Second winners :
    The Effect of Piperine as Phytogenic Feed Additive on Production and Physical Quality of Quail Eggs (Cortunix cortunix japonica), authors M. Hilmi, Sumiati, D. A. Astuti

  3. Third winners :
    Selection of Lactic Acid Bacteria as Probiotic Candidate in Chicken, authors F. Hamida, K. G. Wiryawan, A. Meryandini

    This decision is final and cannot be appealed. The winning articles will be published in Media Peternakan if the articles have been processed based on the standard of Media Peternakan.
    This decision is validated in Bogor, September 11, 2015.


Read : Full Announcement

Chief Editor,


Prof. Dr. Ir. Komang G. Wiryawan               
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